No holes openings in ceiling as alleged for dumping in zyklon b cyanide carrying product allegedly used.
No hole in auschwitz roof photo.
Documents on the allegation about zyklon b killings of victims in nazi concentration camps.
But mr irving said a number of revisionist researchers had entered the ruins of crematorium two at auschwitz where holocaust historians say 500 000 died and photographed the collapsed underside of the roof but found no holes.
Photo 5 is dark in the original.
Are or were there ever holes in the roof of the leichenkeller morgue no.
Note that the hole is near the side edge of the roof and it has a white lid which is square.
The roof is covered with snow and no vents for zyklon b are visible.
Eyewitness evidence of the existence of homicidal gas chambers at auschwitz was totally demolished because there were no holes in the roof through which to insert poison historian david irving.
In order to complete this theater a concrete cover from one of the inspection manholes for the sewer of the crematorium photograph 26 that pressac had earlier found next to this hole 113 was.
When heinrich himmler the reichsführer of the ss ordered that auschwitz birkenau was to become an extermination center cremas 2 and 3 were in the process of being built.
Now see the threads below for a devastating debunking of the bogus auschwitz gas chambers.
Photograph 4 negative number 20995 506 from the auschwitz museum.
He says the gas chambers were used only to de louse corpses and objects.
No holes no auschwitz gassings.
It refers to the holes in the roof of kremas crematoria ii and iii at the auschwitz birkenau extermination camp.
Not mentioned are the detailed allied aerial photos taken of auschwitz and photos the germans took at ground level.
The lid does not look heavy enough to require two strong men to lift it.
Any attempt to fill in the alleged holes vents would be immediately visible.
Since the picture is dated from january 20 22 1943.
The holes in the roofs of the gas chambers at auschwitz birkenau a forensic investigation proves their existence no holes no holocaust has long been one of the denier community s favorite slogans.
I did not see this hole nor the lid when i visited auschwitz in 2005 and took many photos of the ruins of krema ii.
No holes no gas chamber s.
When the method of pouring zyklon b through holes in the roof proved to be successful the design was implemented in cremas gas chambers 2 and 3 at auschwitz birkenau.
It is certain that this hole and also hole no.